• Sun. Jul 7th, 2024

    Defense Ministry: Taiwan is at the height of its weaponry procurement to create a “kill chain” against China.

    According to the Ministry of National Defense (MND), Taiwan is currently at the height of its arms acquisition to strengthen its integrated “kill chain” capabilities and fend against possible Chinese assault. This information was released on Friday.


    According to the MND, the nation is dedicated to double combat effectiveness by combining recently acquired weaponry with command and control systems. The phrase “kill chain” describes a sequence of tactical actions or procedures used in military operations to identify, approach, and neutralize targets.

    In a report titled “Taiwan’s Latest Defence Military Preparation and Strategic Actions in the Face of the International Warfare Situation,” submitted to the Legislative Yuan on April 26, the MND highlighted efforts to share information about the Indo-Pacific region with allied nations. This collaborative approach aims to establish a regionally integrated deterrence force, according to Taiwan News.


    According to the report, Taiwan and the US have established a task force to accelerate arms sales to Taiwan. The US State Department and the Department of Defence have established a “Tiger Team” to optimize the execution of arms sales to Taiwan, reported Taiwan News.

    According to the paper, having immediate access to the most up-to-date and precise combat intelligence gives soldiers the advantage and initiative they need to win.


    Due to their arms sales to Taiwan, China last month prohibited the senior leaders of two US defense companies from visiting the nation and frozen their assets.

    For the past four years, China, which considers democratically controlled Taiwan to be its territory, has been holding frequent drills surrounding the island to put pressure on Taipei to recognize Beijing’s claim of sovereignty in spite of Taiwan’s adamant opposition.


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